ផ្ទះ / ប្លុក / What is a Colon Hydrotherapist?

What is a Colon Hydrotherapist?

  • A colon hydrotherapist is a trained professional who performs colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation.
  • A colon hydrotherapist should be licensed or certified and follow strict safety guidelines and procedures.
  • It is important to choose a reputable colon hydrotherapist to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

អ្នកប្រឹក្សាផ្នែកលក់ : លោកស្រី Lucy
ទីប្រឹក្សាផ្នែកលក់ : លោក Mark
  រស់នៅ:Lucygao 1520            
